Student To Tour The World In Solar Car

May 28, 2012 01:15 PM EDT | Bhanu Prakash E S

A team of enthusiastic students are currently touring across the world in a solar powered car. They've already reached the shores of Australia, U.S. and Europe. 

But the team of 10, have hit a few bumps once their journey reached Belguin. Matthias Drossle, student of electro-technology at Bochum University of Applied Sciences in Germany, says that the batteries of the car are empty. Cloudy weather conditions over the past few weeks have kept the car, which relies on solar energy, from fully charging.

The team has unscrewed the solar panels from the car and set them up facing the sun at the optimal angle to soak up as much as they can to get the energy back. Drossle, a student part of the team, says that it will take more than four hours for the fully recharge. He explains further than instead of going for a test drive, the team has plans to make do with a test by sitting in the Solar World GT. 

The special solar power enabled car was built by Bochum University with the support of the automaker Solarworld. After building the car, the team of inspired students from the University decided circumnavigate the planet with their car that runs only on the energy of the sun.The world tour will take one year touring across Australia, U.S., Europe and Asia before they return to their homes in Australia.

"We want to show that it's possible to drive round the world on solar power," Student and team member, Yago Elbrecht said.  

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