Highway Hazards: How to Stay Safe Around Trucks and Avoid Accidents

Nov 22, 2023 05:16 AM EST | Staff Reporter

Blue Infiniti Sedan Running on Road Together With White Freight Truck

(Photo : Mike Bird from Pexels)

Staying safe around trucks and avoiding accidents on highways in Portland requires awareness, caution, and following best practices. Truck accidents often result in severe injuries due to the vehicle's superior weight and size.

If an accident occurs, you should prioritize your health and consult a truck accident attorney in Portland to ensure that you are fairly compensated for your injuries and other damages.

Maintain Visibility and Give Ample Space

Trucks are massive vehicles with plenty of blind spots, especially on the right side and directly behind them. Because of this, drivers should make an effort to stay visible when sharing the road.

If you can't see the truck driver's mirrors, assume that they cannot see you either. Always ensure you can see the truck's mirrors before changing lanes or merging. Keep a safe following distance when driving behind trucks.

Trucks require more time and distance to stop, which is why maintaining a safe distance reduces the risk of rear-end collisions. Maintain a minimum of four seconds following distance to allow for sudden stops or emergencies.

Use Caution During Lane Changes

To prevent accidents from occurring when changing lanes near trucks, use your turn signal early to allow the truck driver ample time to anticipate your maneuver. Pass trucks quickly and decisively, but don't suddenly cut them off.

Use your turn signal, check your mirrors, and change lanes only when you have enough space and time. Since trucks are less maneuverable than smaller vehicles, it's critical to avoid making sudden movements or abrupt lane changes that could surprise the truck driver. You should use smooth, predictable movements to keep everyone safe.

Be Cautious at Intersections

Exercise caution when approaching intersections, as trucks often need extra space to make turns. Give trucks plenty of room to complete their turns without encroaching on your lane. Stay back and wait until the truck has completed the maneuver.

Pass with Care

When you have to pass a truck, do so on the left side with caution. Signal your intent to pass, check for oncoming traffic, and accelerate to a safe speed to pass safely.

Do not linger in the truck's blind spot while passing. Trucks often require more space to make turns, especially right turns. Watch for the truck's turn signals and give them room to maneuver. Do not squeeze between a truck and the curb when it is making a right turn.

Stay Focused and Avoid Distractions

Distracted driving is one leading cause of motor vehicle accidents and crashes, causing about 3,000 fatalities yearly. When sharing the road with trucks, drivers must be more cautious and focused. Avoid distractions such as texting, eating, or other activities that take your attention away from the road.

Observe Speed Limits and Report Unsafe Driving

Drivers should always follow speed limits, especially when trucks are present. Speeding increases the risk of accidents as you have less time to react to sudden changes.

If you witness a truck driver engaging in dangerous or reckless behavior while driving, such as excessive speeding, swerving, or impaired driving, report it to the authorities.

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