Motorcycle Beginners: Why You Should Start With a Honda Grom

Jan 09, 2023 04:34 PM EST | Staff Reporter

Photo by Harley-Davidson on Unsplash

(Photo : Harley-Davidson on Unsplash)

For many Americans, motorcycles are great forms of recreational activity. Sales continue to increase nationwide, and the reality is motorcycles are so much more than just a fun way to ride through the weekend. 

Motorcycles offer a whole host of benefits. Almost every aspect of motorcycle riding is easier than their four-wheeled counterparts. Everything from maintenance to parking and AAA motorcycle insurance coverage is easier and more affordable.

Some people may overlook motorcycles because they have little to no experience driving on two wheels. The truth is that motorcycles, or at least certain models, are fantastic options for even beginners. 

Benefits of Motorcycles

Yes, motorcycles are symbols of freedom and adventure, but they are so much more than that. These benefits aren't just enjoyed by people who have been riding for years. In fact, beginners and experts alike can reap the many benefits of motorcycle riding.

Longevity and Easy Maintenance

One of the biggest benefits is the longevity of motorcycles. The exact number can range depending on a number of factors, but with care and limited exposure to the elements, motorcycles can outlast many four-wheel vehicle options.

Part of a motorcycle's longevity depends on the maintenance. Some people worry about the financial commitment of regular maintenance, but that's not a concern with motorcycles. Most motorcycles can be fixed and maintained by the driver without much know-how.

Motorcycles are more simple machines. The function of each piece is fairly obvious or straightforward. It may take a little time to learn some of the ins and outs, but it is feasible for just about anyone. Everything from a quick tuneup to changing a wheel can be done by most motorcycle owners.

Better Car Driving

Riding a motorcycle requires a lot more attention and awareness than driving an enclosed car. This awareness translates well to driving a car. Many studies have shown that drivers who frequently drive motorcycles are better car drivers than those who haven't driven a motorcycle. 

Motorcycles continue to develop as well. There are new advancements every year, including blind spot detection systems for motorcycles. These advancements help keep riders safer and increase their driving ability and safety. 

Better Resale Value

Car values are often devastated by depreciation. From the moment a car is driven off the lot, its value begins to decrease quickly. 

Motorcycles, on the other hand, hold their value much better. In fact, they usually only depreciate by 10% each year versus 15% for cars.

Easy Customization 

Motorcycles are easy to customize. There are countless options and resources available to create the perfect aesthetic and design for your ride. 

And because these machines are easy to work on, motorcycles can be customized with little frustration.

Better Parking

The compact size of motorcycles makes it easier to maneuver and park. A motorcycle doesn't require a full-sized parking space, so you can slip into those spots that a car just won't fit into. 

It is important to remember, however, that motorcycles are still subject to standard parking laws. You can't park in non-parking or handicapped spots, and fire zones are still off-limits.

Money Savers

One of the biggest benefits of being a motorcycle owner is the amount of money you can save. Not only do these vehicles hold their value better, making them great investments in the long run, but there are other financial benefits.

Motorcycles get great gas mileage. This means the monthly gas bill will be significantly lower than a four-wheel vehicle with the same average miles driven per year. Insurance is also lower with a motorcycle. The monthly rate to insure a motorcycle is, on average, less than $100. 

Even that affordable price can be lowered with a few changes to habits and coverage options. With lower insurance, maintenance, and gas costs, motorcycles are the better financial choice when it comes to motor vehicles.

Improved Health

A less known benefit is the improved health, both mental and physical, riders get from motorcycles. Riding a motorcycle takes a lot of body control. This means riders will see increased strength in their neck, core, arms, and thighs. 

These physical improvements translate to mental improvements. The strength required for riding a motorcycle triggers the same endorphin release as exercising. This can help improve mood, relieve stress, and reduce anxiety.

Best Motorcycles for Beginners 

So, as a beginner, what's the right motorcycle model? You can't just walk into any dealership and pick any old motorcycle. But beginners do have a lot of really great options for their first motorcycle. 

KTM Corner Rocket (390 Duke)

The KTM Corner Rocket is a great choice for beginners. It's a standard motorcycle with a minimal design and limited fairing, or windshield. This helps keep things simple but still allows it to function and move like a sports bike. 

The six-speed, 373cc motor is larger than some of the other beginner-model options, but it's still easy to handle and maneuver. It offers a mid-range seat height, so it won't give or bend under the weight of the rider.

Harley-Davidson Street 500

Harley-Davidson might be one of the most recognizable names in motorcycles. These motorcycles are often seen as bikes for the more serious rider, but they do offer beginner-level models.

The Street 500 is a standard motorcycle with a low seat height. The low seat adds to the compact maneuverability and helps keep the overall weight low. 

It boasts a six-speed, 494cc engine, making it quick and incredibly nimble.

Kawasaki Z125 Pro SE

If you're looking for a less powerful motorcycle, then consider the Kawasaki Z125 Pro SE. The model motorcycle has a 125cc engine, so it's more appealing for the beginner. 

Yamaha V Star 250 Raven

The Yamaha V Star 250 Raven is considered more of a mid-range motorcycle. But it's still a great option for beginners. 

The V Star is lower power and lower weight making it easy to maneuver and handle for the beginner. The 250cc engine can get you where you want to go and keep you going for longer rides. 

Honda Grom

Perhaps one of the best models for the beginner is the Honda Grom. These small bikes offer many safety features but limited power output. This combination means beginners can enjoy the freedom and feeling of riding a motorcycle without compromising on safety and security.

The Honda Grom has a small, 125 cc engine, and cannot handle highway speeds. It's the kind of bike to ride short distances or enjoy a weekend ride. 

Motorcycles aren't just for one group of the population. The innovations and designs in recent years have made motorcycles even more accessible for the beginner. If you're considering the transition from four wheels to two, take a look at these models - especially the Honda Grom.

Laura Gunn writes and researches for the insurance comparison site, Her husband is a motorcycle lover who praises the function and fun of the Honda Grom.

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