
Studies Explore Fracking Health Risks

Officials and researchers say the research is inconclusive but recent findings warrant more study of fracking's potential health risks for nearby residents. more

Is Breakfast That Important?

Two new studies found that eating or skipping breakfast didn't affect people when it came to weight loss, blood sugar and other measures. more

Ancient People Ate Snails

Archaeologists have found a substantial amount of snail shells scattered in pits that were used for cooking around 30,000 years ago. more

Why Pygmy People Are Short

Smaller body sizes allow people to survive on fewer calories and keep them cooler in rainforest humidity. more

Ancient Worm Identified

A strange fossil of a worm with spines and many legs has been identified as an early relative of the modern velvet worm, which lives in tropical rainforests. more

Why Teen Drivers Use the Phone

More than half of teen drivers surveyed said that they were using the phone to talk to a parent. more

Saturn Moon Has Geysers

Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons, has at least 101 geysers shooting water vapor and ice, according to two new studies. more

90 Percent of Human DNA Is 'Junk'

More than 90 percent of the human genome isn't needed for biochemical functions, according to a new Oxford University study. more

Elephant Smell Genes Counted

Elephants have twice as many olfactory receptor genes as dogs do, says a new study. more

Mount St. Helens Studied

Geophysicists have been working to map the volcanic inside of Mount St. Helens through seismic waves. more

Study Shows Assault, Harassment in Fieldwork

Sixty-four percent of people working in various scientific disciplines have been targeted with sexual harassment, according to a new survey of 600 researchers. more

Baby Mammoths Died 'Traumatically'

Two infant mammoth specimens believed to have lived 40,000 years ago likely died by drowning in mud, researchers say. more

Genes Influence Math, Reading Skills

Around half of math and reading skills are influenced by the same genes, a new study says. more

Scientific Journal Pulls 60 Studies

Chen-Yuan Chen allegedly created 130 fake email accounts to be able to review his scientific papers. more

Genes Direct Chimp Intelligence

Chimpanzee intelligence is determined about half by genetic factors and half by environment. more

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